I’ve been working on showing a sequence when a level starts, see the video below for an idea of what I’m talking about. This post is about a frustrating problem I had and how an oversight on my part was the culprit.
Creating the sequence was fairly straightforward, but I had a problem where it would work in the UE5’s preview but not in the built version of the game. In the packaged version of the game the camera would stick with the game camera, whilst the music played.
Scouring the internet I found people describing similar issues, but mine turned out to be a dumb oversight I made when I originally set up the game’s camera.
Parkhorse is designed as a local multiplayer game, so all the players share the same camera. What I’d overlooked was that in the original code I created a step to remove all unused cameras in the level, leaving only the shared camera. This step interfered with the sequence cameras. Once I removed my clean-up step things worked as expected.
The below screenshot shows the culprit of my unreliable sequence.

Leaving this post here in case someone has a similar oversight.